Schooley Mitchell of Bellingham


Consulting: Business/Vocational/Marketing

About Us

We specialize in delivering value to businesses and non-profits by reducing costs and enhancing their profitability. Organizations often overspend on critical services such as credit and debit card processing, internet and telecommunications, shipping, waste removal, utilities, fuel, and other categories.

At times, organizations believe they have a good deal, but the lack of comprehensive information about what others pay creates an imbalance. Leveraging data from over 28,000 clients and our proprietary processes, we correct this imbalance, generating savings for clients and ensuring ongoing value, ultimately boosting their profitability.

We operate independently of all vendors, prioritizing our clients' best interests. Through a risk-free review, we identify challenges and provide practical, cost-saving solutions. If we don't create savings, there's no fee for our services.

Rep/Contact Info

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View Personal Bio
Derick Krutsinger
Business Optimization Specialist